Author Archives: admin

Beasts of Burden

1999. Cast foam, cast plaster, steel scaffolding. 10′ x 10′ x 10′. This piece was created as a thesis project for my BFA at Pacific Northwest College of Art.

Kill! All! Bad!

2006. (On site in the Willamette River). Shark is 9 ft in length, Styrofoam and mixed media. A marching band flag routine was performed to Stars and Stripes Forever which played on a CD player nearby.


2001. This detail shows: Rabbits are made of cast foam. The hill is cast foam and Astroturf with Easter decorations. Each of the 10 rabbits stand 23″ high. The entire installation was 11’h x 6’w x 6’d. This piece was made for my first show at Blackfish Gallery.


2002. The piece is life sized. This detail shows: White Figure is cast foam with mixed media. Squirrel is ceramic. Wasps are cast plastic. The entire installation was 10’h x 13’w x 9’d. This piece was made for the Portland Building Installation as part of the Regional Arts & Culture Council public art program.


2002. The piece is life sized. This detail shows: White Figure is cast foam with mixed media. Squirrel is ceramic. Wasps are cast plastic. The entire installation was 10’h x 13’w x 9’d. This piece was made for the Portland Building Installation as part of the Regional Arts & Culture Council public art program.


2002. The piece is life sized. This detail shows: White Figure is cast foam with mixed media. Squirrel is ceramic. Wasps are cast plastic. The entire installation was 10’h x 13’w x 9’d. This piece was made for the Portland Building Installation as part of the Regional Arts & Culture Council public art program.

The Catch

2004. Life cast and modeled plaster and Paper Mache, carved Styrofoam, fabric and wax. 9′ x 10′ x 10’ Installed in the Project window of Contemporary Crafts Museum in Portland, Oregon.

The Catch

2004. Life cast and modeled plaster and Paper Mache, carved Styrofoam, fabric and wax. 9′ x 10′ x 10’ Installed in the Project window of Contemporary Crafts Museum in Portland, Oregon.

Untitled Installation

2001. 7′ x 3′. The piece was displayed on the floor. This detail shows a white snake made of cast porcelain, the cast fiberglass base figure and rocks and sand. This piece was made for my first show at Blackfish Gallery.

Fung Us

(detail) 2008. Cement, Styrofoam and metal armature, imitation gold leaf, acrylic, shellac. This piece is a one year commissioned art work for the Tryon Creek State Park Natural Cycles exhibit. It will be on display until the end of August 2009.

Fung Us

(detail) 2008. Cement, Styrofoam and metal armature, imitation gold leaf, acrylic, shellac. This piece is a one year commissioned art work for the Tryon Creek State Park Natural Cycles exhibit. It will be on display until the end of August 2009.

Fung Us

(detail) 2008. Cement, Styrofoam and metal armature, imitation gold leaf, acrylic, shellac. This piece is a one year commissioned art work for the Tryon Creek State Park Natural Cycles exhibit. It will be on display until the end of August 2009.

Fung Us

(detail) 2008. Cement, Styrofoam and metal armature, imitation gold leaf, acrylic, shellac. This piece is a one year commissioned art work for the Tryon Creek State Park Natural Cycles exhibit. It will be on display until the end of August 2009.

Fung Us

(detail) 2008. Cement, Styrofoam and metal armature, imitation gold leaf, acrylic, shellac. This piece is a one year commissioned art work for the Tryon Creek State Park Natural Cycles exhibit. It will be on display until the end of August 2009.

Fung Us

(detail) 2008. Cement, Styrofoam and metal armature, imitation gold leaf, acrylic, shellac. This piece is a one year commissioned art work for the Tryon Creek State Park Natural Cycles exhibit. It will be on display until the end of August 2009.

Fung Us

(detail) 2008. Cement, Styrofoam and metal armature, imitation gold leaf, acrylic, shellac. This piece is a one year commissioned art work for the Tryon Creek State Park Natural Cycles exhibit. It will be on display until the end of August 2009.


2001. This detail shows: Rabbits are made of cast foam. The hill is cast foam and Astroturf with Easter decorations. Each of the 10 rabbits stand 23″ high. The entire installation was 11’h x 6’w x 6’d. This piece was made for my first show at Blackfish Gallery.

The Ecstasy of the Vagina Girl

2006 7″h x 7″w x 22″l, ceramic, Styrofoam and mixed media. This piece was created for a group show of modern interpretations of world myths. This piece is based on the Apache story of how women were tamed from man-eating tooth filled vaginas to their more demure current form.

Time To Go

detail), 2009. Cast Plastic, Fabric, Styrofoam, Wood, Glitter. Vitrine Size 9.5” diameter x 9”high. (Collection of the University of Oregon)

Only You

(with and without vitrine), 2009. Polymer Clay, Styrofoam, Wood, Fabric, Rhinestones, Glitter, Nail Polish, Gold Leaf. Vitrine Size 9.5” diameter x 9”high. (Private Collection)

Goodbye My Coney Island Baby


Video Still, GBMCIB envisions that the Rockettes have been robotized and brainwashed by corporations to carry out the destruction of the Earth. They enlist four horsewomen from the Macy’s parade for double duty as the destroyers as well as the last vestige of beauty to be saved from destruction…